
Contemplate on this!

Uhhuh... It seems that once upon a time (back in 2008 it seems) I created this blog and then promptly forgot it. Since I need to be writing a LOT more in the near future (National Novel Writing Month and other stuff) I thought it would be an excellent idea to resurrect this blog.

Since contemplation is the theme of this blog, I thought this would be an excellent time to contemplate on my current situation. I basically have nothing else to do than to write, punctuated by various meetings with my friends (movies and games-related), occasional family meets (my grandmother's funeral for example) and some sessions of virtual violence and mayhem (computer games by myself and with friends). The last one currently involves mainly Borderlands (sadly without any DLC's) and I recently re-entered Dragonica.

Things to write about: you know quarians from Mass Effect games? I actually got an idea about a culture like that BEFORE I ever played the game - besides, with the technology they have I fail to see how they are so poor. They could basically strip mine pretty much anything they come across, including planets. There's a downside to being at a bottom of a gravity well (who am I kidding? I fail to see the upside once the technology to escape it is available). Another story involves copious amounts of time travel and alternate universes/dimensions. This time-travel chaos is what my NaNoWriMo story is about. Third major theme is an autonomous city-state (actually an actual country/nation) which has pretty much Zeitgeisted its whole existence. Free science, almost no laws and extreme amount of special cases - as each case is special and only seemingly has a precedent. This last one will deal with emerging technology - technological singularity, immortality, nanotechnology and space colonisation.

Then there is more personal story-telling, intended to ease my mind and to deal with all the issues I have with my life. Those probably never see the light of day. Or it might, if I get paid enough to do so.

I'll be writing simultaneously on other places too: I have an active deviantART journal (where I currently am planning to post my NaNoWriMo story daily as I write it), Thinkerer's thoughts (which explores my mindscape) and soon-to-be-created pseudo-political blog about Finnish politics and the role of Zeitgeist and rationality in it (in Finnish, the name is translated as Not that impossible).

The writing work I've taken on my shoulders might seem bit much but as I said - I have nothing else to do. Or I guess I could do other things - I just don't care about them that much. Some things I need to do or keep doing through all this though: keep working out, be it long walks, going to swim or to the gym or just play badminton/squash with my friends (because I sort of care about my health), clean up my apartment (it's a mess... This is a project that should have been undertaken and done months ago) and look for new social contacts. The last one might be most important of all - I'm starting to lose my mind because I'm so insanely lonely at times.

I'll also happily accept and experiment with any vegetarian foods that can be cooked in the oven. I've got new cookware for just that, and I love making stuff in the oven. It's generally healthy and easy, almost carefree. Only bummer about that is that my oven is OLD and cleaning it is a pain - lucky for me I don't need to do that in the near future as it's not that long since I did it last. So if you have any recipes you like and care to share, send them to me! Remember, veggie food only. I'm not a vegan though, so eggs and milk products and stuff like that don't bother me. My reasons are mainly financial (believe or not, rational vegetarianism is actually cheaper than munching meat), so occasionally I bent the rules. I can't resist Christmas ham or smoked fish...